CEREC Doctor Finishing Kit SC01

Developed in conjunction with cerecdoctors.com, this universal contouring and finishing kit was created to provide a wide range of solutions for today‘s ceramic restorations. The kit provides all of the necessary tools to produce excellent results for both anterior and posterior crowns. Included in the kit are diamonds and abrasives for sprue removal and contouring of line angles, including adjusting and contouring anatomy. Two sintered (layered) diamonds are included, S805-018 and 936SC-200, for cutting sprues, occlusal anatomy, and defining interproximal embrasures. Initial smoothing is accomplished with the 9613V-220 universal polisher. The newest Twist Polishers for Ceramics bring out the luster of your restorations entirely without paste while removing minimal material and safe enough to use over the margins without damage. The instruments are labeled and organised for easy reference in an anodised bur block.

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Product Ref.
CEREC Doctor Finishing Kit SC01 - Doctor Finishing Kit SC01 for Cerec Systems - Meisinger - MEISC01

Kit contains one each of: 9770G 104 260, 9770M 104 260, 9770F 104 260, 9771G 104 170, 9771M 104 170, 9771F 104 170, 9771C 104 170, 9736G 104 150, 9613V 104 220, 9734G 104 040, 882L 104 018, 943DC 104 100, 863 104 016, 850 104 018, S805 104 018, S936C 104 200